Our latest RentCast API update added sale market statistics, MLS numbers and listing agent information for property listings, HOA fee amounts, listing and property transaction history and more.

Check out the highlights below:

Retrieve Aggregate Sale Market Statistics

Our market statistics endpoint will now return aggregate sale market and home price data, along with many new metrics and averages.

This includes data broken down by property type, days on market statistics, prices and rents per square foot, median values and more:

Retrieve aggregate sale market data and new data points
Retrieve sale market statistics and price trends

Get More Data for Each Property Listing

Our sale and rental listings will now include MLS numbers, listing agent and broker details, HOA fees, and a listing history for each property:

New property listing data points and attributes
Get many new data points for each property listing

Sold Property Queries and Other Improvements

You can now query property records by their last sale date to quickly search for recently sold properties and comps.

Property records will also include HOA fees and a sale transaction history for each property, when available.

View the full list of changes for this API update on our developer portal.

Query recently sold properties by their last sale date
Query property records by their last sale date

You can also view our API docs at any time for a full reference of all available data sets, endpoints, example responses and other information:

Have any questions about this update or ideas for what we should work on next? Send us a message and let us know!