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Real-Time Rental Property Data

Look up rent prices and grow your rental property portfolio.

View rent prices and comps for any property in the US and track your rental portfolio with real-time alerts and market updates.
Get real-time rent alerts and rental market updates delivered to your inboxGet rental comps and compare rents anywhere in the United States

An Essential Platform for Real Estate Investors and Property Managers

Whether you are just starting out or manage hundreds of units, our software will help you maximize your cash flow, understand local market trends and boost productivity.
Get instant access to nationwide rental data, rent rates and rental comps

Get Actionable Rental Data

View property rent prices, nearby rental comps and local market trends in one place.

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Use our rental data to find new markets and real estate investments

Find New Investment Opportunities

Research and analyze new rental markets and potential investment properties.

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Track your rental portfolio with real-time alerts and market updates

Track Your Rental Portfolio

Stay on top of your portfolio with real-time alerts, market updates and historical rent trends.

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Find new real estate investment opportunities, markets and rental properties

Find new investment opportunities with historical rent trends.

Analyze rental markets and find new investment opportunities with detailed market statistics, average rents, market composition and historical trends.

Get real-time rent alerts and rental market updates delivered to your inbox

Track your rental portfolio with real-time alerts and market updates.

Add your rental properties and set up rent alerts to know when it's time to increase the rents. Plus, get local market updates delivered straight to your inbox.

Set Up Portfolio

Building a real estate application?

Use our API to get instant access to 140+ million property records, valuation estimates, active listings and real estate market trends.

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residential and commercial properties
property records updated every day
zip codes available for market research

Frequently Asked Questions

More questions? Contact us

How accurate are your rent estimates?

We calculate each rent estimate based on similar nearby rental listings and their unique characteristics. In addition to our estimate, you can view a rent estimate range and the exact comps that were used to calculate it.

What areas does your rental data cover?

We have nationwide coverage for residential properties in the United States, with over 140 million properties in our database. We also have market analysis coverage for nearly all US zip codes.

Can I create and share rental data reports?

Yes, you can download PDF reports for any property or zip code, or share an interactive report link with others. With RentCast Pro, you can also white-label and add custom branding to any PDF report. View a sample report.

How much does your software cost?

You can start using RentCast 100% for free online. We offer several upgrade options with more features and support for larger rental portfolios. Visit our pricing page to learn more.

Do you have an API?

Yes we do! You can use our property and rental data API to retrieve property data, owner details, value and rent estimates, and active listings nationwide in the US.
Nationwide Rental Data

Grow your rental portfolio and maximize your cash flow.

Look up rent prices and comps for any property in the US and track your rental portfolio with real-time alerts and market updates.